Friday, October 19, 2012

Nerd Girl

Nerd Girl

You roll your D20 like a rock star,
and wear your hood up like a Jedi.

Go ahead and glare at Captain Hammer,
he’s not the hero you need right now, anyway.

You could teach a class about the Master Sword
while jumping from castle to cloud like Mario.

Crack a whip like Indy,
because only a hero survives a nuke in a fridge.

Your starship brings all the boys to the yard.
so set your phaser to “stun”.

Quoting River Tam gives you no trouble,
so recite that crazy like it’s Shakespeare.

You leer at the Twi-hards
before totally Gleeking out.

Push those blocks,
solve those puzzles,
fight those goblins,
you totally got this.

You never got rid of your SNES,
because games were way better back then.

No dungeon can hold you.
No dragon can tame you.

You hope that there will never be a final fantasy.
you never want the dream to end.

Penguins make you go “Squee!”
Since they can never take off their tuxedos.

Oh, beautiful and lovely nerd girl,
what rare loot you are.