Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mass Effect: Babel - Chapter 4

As promised, today you are getting the next chapter of Mass Effect: Babel!

We still have a long ways to go on all of my stories. But I do have definitive endgames for them, you should know. Mass Effect: Babel is going to become much more epic in scope before the curtain finally draws. However, we are a couple chapters away from the ending of the first sub-arc in the story.

Shepard and the crew descend on Kahje in search of answers, only to find themselves brought into a vicious conflict between the Hanar armies and the robotic forced of Azrae. With the clock ticking, can they turn the tide in time?

Mass Effect: Babel

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Story Release Updates!" or "The Return: The Revenge: Part 2: The Prequel"

Welcome to the third and final homecoming post of 2013.

Today, I wanted to get everyone on the same page about my stories and their various futures.

On the fan fiction front, new chapters of both Spiderman: Revenge and Mass Effect: Babel are finished, and they will be going up within the next week. My hope is to continue a monthly release schedule for these on an ongoing basis. I’m particularly sorry for this delay because it came when both stories were on rather unfortunate cliffhangers.

I will also begin teasing a new fanfic, followed by a formal announcement, and the first chapter - all taking place in the near future. After the positive response I’ve gotten from Avengers: The Hangover, I’ve decided to try my hand at a more long form comedy fic.

Warm Stone exists in a slightly different space though. With NaNoWriMo come and gone, I’ve taken a step back and looked at what I want to do with this story. I intend to continue it. I also intend to make it available for free, as well. But without that “50,000 word” goal, I can make the story as long and complex as I see fit. This means spending a little more time thinking about the directions that each story strand will take. I will be posting Chapter 7 before the end of January, but Warm Stone will also be moving to a “monthly” update schedule.

That said, here are the exact release dates for all of my upcoming stories!

Mass Effect: Babel - Chapter 4
Wednesday January 23rd

Spiderman: Revenge - Chapter 5
Monday January 28th

Warm Stone - Chapter 7
Wednesday January 30th

I hope you all come back, and recommend these stories to your friends! The more readers I get, the more content I can bring to you! There will be a giveaway once my Facebook page makes it to 100 followers, so spread the word and get people to subscribe.


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