Friday, November 9, 2012

Spiderman: Revenge - Chapter 3

Things grow a little more complex as chapter 3 of Spiderman: Revenge rolls up. This chapter marks the end of character introductions (with one very notable exception), and is definitely a chapter of transition. The said, there is some big action on the horizon, and so I hope you're still with me as the intensity begins to ratchet up!

Chapter 4 will be arriving the first week of December. In the meantime, there will be Warm Stone and the upcoming Mass Effect: Babel to keep you entertained. And next week I will be announcing a new contest, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 1 -
Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 2 -
Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 3 -

Official Author Page -

Warm Stone - Chapter 3

Here is the first of two story uploads for the day (the second will be Spiderman: Revenge chapter 3, sometime later on tonight).

As this chapter will make clear, I am definitely juggling a lot of balls in Warm Stone. Just go into it knowing that I have a very definitive ending in mind, which means it’s all leading somewhere. This includes the oddness that was chapter 2.

Chapter 3 brings us back to a more traditional storytelling structure. From here, you can also see a fair amount of what to expect from the novel. It is, in fact, told from a number of narrative perspectives. How they are all relevant to one another will become a bit more clear on each rotation of characters, although the complete picture won’t be formed until the very last few chapters. Still, hopefully you’re willing to go along for the ride, because it will only be getting stranger from here.

I’ll see you later on, with more Spiderman: Revenge!

Warm Stone Chapter 1 -
Warm Stone Chapter 2 -
Warm Stone Chapter 3 -


Official Author Page -

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Warm Stone - Chapter 2

Apologies for the slightly late upload. I promise it shall not happen again anytime soon!

Here is chapter 2 of Warm Stone, my NaNoWriMo novel. It’s a little on the short side, but with it comes the first traces of what makes this novel simultaneously unique and very strange. Chapter 3 shows how it all gets even weirder, as well.

Speaking of which, Chapter 3 will be going up on Friday! To find out exactly when, follow my official author page (linked below)!

Thank you for the continued support, and happy NaNoWriMo!

Warm Stone Chapter 1 -
Warm Stone Chapter 2 -


Official Author Page -

Monday, November 5, 2012

Warm Stone - Chapter 1

Here it is, Warm Stone’s first chapter!

I will be uploading several chapters each week, depending on my progress on the novel. This is very rough shape. I’ve only taken a cursory glance towards editing it, and it has not been to visit my actual editor. That said, I’m quite proud of the work I’ve done on this book so far. While my original goal (to avoid this piece being anything except a drama) has gone up in smoke, I can still honestly say that I’ve never written anything like this before.

Chapter 2 will be going up sometime on Wednesday, and Chapter 3 will be hopping onto the internet Friday. The odds are you won’t see the full shape the novel shall take for a while. The story hops around a lot, and the first few chapters barely scratch the surface of what I’m doing. Still, the writing feels solid, and I have a firm grasp of the characters.

Be sure to let me know your thoughts! You can reach me via my official author blog, linked below.

Warm Stone Chapter 1 -


Official Author Page -