Saturday, December 15, 2012

"My Top 5 TV Shows of 2012" or "Praise the LORD for DVR"

#5. Dexter

Last season felt terminally underwhelming on Dexter. Especially towards the end, when they introduced the very messed up “Debra is in love with Dexter” story dynamic. Then it ended on the mother of all cliffhangers, and I still found myself on the hook for another season. How does the current season stack up? Quite well, as a matter of fact! Debra coming to grips with Dexter’s true identity has been a downright riveting series of events. His dealings with the Ukrainian mob were also quite entertaining. Now we’re headed into a finale that promises to change everything, as the show winds up for a final season meant to air in 2013.

#4. How I Met Your Mother

A part of me is sad to see this series fall so far on the list. It used to be that How I Met Your Mother would constantly occupy the “#1” spot. No sitcom that I’ve ever seen is as dense with plot twists, clever writing, rich characters, or a sense of glee and imagination on this scale. How I Met Your Mother was a love story, one with a likeable cast and great chemistry. But in it’s eighth year, the series is beginning to show its age. They are drawing near the end of the story, and I’m hoping that it will find a resurgence of energy as we finally come to the decisive moment, the moment when Ted Mosby meets the love of his life. For now though, it’s still good, and nostalgia keeps it on the list at all.

#3. Once Upon A Time

This show really grew on me. At first I wrote it off as being fun but ultimately little more than fluff. I let half the first season stockpile in my DVR, to be watched when nothing better was around. When that time finally came, let me tell you, it won me over entirely. Yes, the special effects are ridiculous, and some of the acting is hammy beyond description, but Once Upon A Time is a series of sincere optimism. Like all great fairy tales, the true value of the series only shines through most when you see the bigger picture and deeper meaning. I defy anyone to finish the first season without being hooked.

#2. Game of Thrones

I wasn’t sold on this show at first. The first season was good, but uneven, and several of the storylines felt a little flimsy. But in season two, things kicked into high gear, and that’s when this became a marvel of television achievement. With a more cohesive narrative (even though it is technically very fractured), and some legitimate payoffs in the subplots, the show became a beast of labyrinth storytelling in the finest way. Also, Tyrion might be the funniest character on modern television.

#1. Doctor Who

In the interest of total transparency, I only discovered Doctor Who this year. The ironic part being that I even met Matt Smith once, at San Diego Comic Con 2011. He seemed like a nice gentleman, but I had no idea why everyone around me was geeking out quite so much. Now that I’ve discovered this magnificent show (my new favorite television series of all time), I see what all the fuss is about. This is a show where absolutely anything is possible. I’m not kidding. There’s an episode titled “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” (which is one of my personal favorites). If you’ve never heard of it, I urge you to go out right now and buy the dvds, because you’re missing out on a masterpiece.


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