Monday, November 5, 2012

Warm Stone - Chapter 1

Here it is, Warm Stone’s first chapter!

I will be uploading several chapters each week, depending on my progress on the novel. This is very rough shape. I’ve only taken a cursory glance towards editing it, and it has not been to visit my actual editor. That said, I’m quite proud of the work I’ve done on this book so far. While my original goal (to avoid this piece being anything except a drama) has gone up in smoke, I can still honestly say that I’ve never written anything like this before.

Chapter 2 will be going up sometime on Wednesday, and Chapter 3 will be hopping onto the internet Friday. The odds are you won’t see the full shape the novel shall take for a while. The story hops around a lot, and the first few chapters barely scratch the surface of what I’m doing. Still, the writing feels solid, and I have a firm grasp of the characters.

Be sure to let me know your thoughts! You can reach me via my official author blog, linked below.

Warm Stone Chapter 1 -


Official Author Page -

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