Friday, November 9, 2012

Warm Stone - Chapter 3

Here is the first of two story uploads for the day (the second will be Spiderman: Revenge chapter 3, sometime later on tonight).

As this chapter will make clear, I am definitely juggling a lot of balls in Warm Stone. Just go into it knowing that I have a very definitive ending in mind, which means it’s all leading somewhere. This includes the oddness that was chapter 2.

Chapter 3 brings us back to a more traditional storytelling structure. From here, you can also see a fair amount of what to expect from the novel. It is, in fact, told from a number of narrative perspectives. How they are all relevant to one another will become a bit more clear on each rotation of characters, although the complete picture won’t be formed until the very last few chapters. Still, hopefully you’re willing to go along for the ride, because it will only be getting stranger from here.

I’ll see you later on, with more Spiderman: Revenge!

Warm Stone Chapter 1 -
Warm Stone Chapter 2 -
Warm Stone Chapter 3 -


Official Author Page -

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