Friday, November 9, 2012

Spiderman: Revenge - Chapter 3

Things grow a little more complex as chapter 3 of Spiderman: Revenge rolls up. This chapter marks the end of character introductions (with one very notable exception), and is definitely a chapter of transition. The said, there is some big action on the horizon, and so I hope you're still with me as the intensity begins to ratchet up!

Chapter 4 will be arriving the first week of December. In the meantime, there will be Warm Stone and the upcoming Mass Effect: Babel to keep you entertained. And next week I will be announcing a new contest, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 1 -
Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 2 -
Spiderman: Revenge Chapter 3 -

Official Author Page -

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