Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mass Effect Giveaway

To celebrate the impending launch of Mass Effect: Babel, it’s time for another contest! Starting today (November 15th) and going until the end of the month (the deadline will be December 1st), see how many of your friends you can get to subscribe to my official Facebook page (a link to which can be found at the bottom of the page)!

Do you know people who love fan fiction? Then sell them on Spiderman: Revenge and Mass Effect: Babel!

Or maybe your friends are the types who like to read dramatic books? Well, tell them about Warm Stone, my half-finished novel following the parallel lives of a ranch hand and the characters he creates through writing.

There will also be original science fiction coming sometime in 2013, along with blogs that are (hopefully) fun to read. Basically, there are tons of reasons to get someone involved! Lots of ways to sell!

And what prizes are involved this time?

The Mass Effect Trilogy box set, for the system of your choosing (Playstation 3, X-Box 360, or PC). One of the greatest sci-fi epics in gaming, and you’ll get the whole thing for free!

 Also, a Mass Effect poster created by Henry William design (link:

These will be yours, and all you need to do is get your friends to subscribe. Just like the Avengers contest, the person who brings the most new subscribers to the page will win. Be sure to have them tell me that you sent them, otherwise you won’t be able to get proper credit.

But there’s more! If we get over 100 page likes by the end of the contest, then a runner-up will also win a copy of the box set! If we get over 120 page likes, the person in third place will receive a copy of the poster from Henry William design.

Thank you all for your support! Let’s see if we can’t get the page beyond 100 subscribers before the end of the year!


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