Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Regeneration!" or "How I returned to blog about all things nerdy."

Well, this is rather embarrassing, now isn’t it? I’ve left this blog to collect dust, when I very well should have been updating regularly.

So where have I been? All kinds of places! I’ve explored my first several comic book conventions (experiences which in themselves warrant a separate post), gone on a number of vacations, found and lost love, discovered the majestic fandom surrounding Doctor Who, and of course I’ve also done a fair bit of writing.

The good news is that I’m back, and not going anywhere anytime soon! In fact, there are a lot of exciting things on the horizon that I am eager to share with anyone who is interested in reading.

What can you expect on here? Here’s a handy list!

1. Updates on my writing projects, both original and fan fiction.
2. Announcements regarding my soon-to-be published first novel, look forward to this soon!
3. Rants about fandoms.
4. Reviews of movies, videogames, books, comics, or anything else that piques my interest.
5. Links to other like-minded nerds, talented artists, and other fun things!
6. The occasional random cute picture.
7. Likely many more things that aren’t dancing to the top of my mind now.

I hope you’re as excited as I am. Keep your eyes peeled, several updates will be coming very soon! In fact, I’ll be attempting to make at least one or two posts every week, hopefully even more.

As such, stay tuned! More is on the way! And thank you for reading. Don’t forget to refer your friends!

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