Wednesday, October 31, 2012

“Ghosts of Sorrow: Excerpt” or “Happy Halloween!”

To celebrate Halloween, here is an excerpt from “Ghosts of Sorrow”. This is a book I wrote quite a while ago, and I still consider it one of my finest stories. I hope to one day have the free time to go back and edit the whole thing. For now, enjoy this little tease. I hope you get to read the rest someday!


    The storage unit was very cluttered. There were stacks of boxes in disorganized piles. Furniture covered in either sheets or dust was strewn about. She could see a number of old, and likely broken, appliances. The arrangement felt like a claustrophobic maze.

    Miki navigated slowly, and the whispers began once more. This time they were jumbled and busy. Saying more than they could manage, speaking all at once, none of the voices distinguishable from the others. It was impossible to find the exact words being said, and so it all drowned into an odd white noise.

    Something caught Miki’s eye, a particular suitcase. It was a very large green suitcase covered in stickers. When she moved over to it for a closer look, they were all bumper stickers representing various countries. Dozens of languages and designs from everywhere a person could imagine were laid out colorfully. Miki reached forward and unclasped the case. She felt a moment of intense unease. A part of her, a dark survival instinct in the back of her head, screamed for her not to look. The whispers all urged her onwards. She slowly pulled the suitcase open.

    Inside were four prisms made of crystal, one in each corner. At the center was a single bundle of white cloth wrapped around something. Miki hesitated as her hand hovered above the bundle of fabric.

    But the voices kept lingering along her ear and she had to continue. She began to slowly unravel the fabric. It was woven both intricately and tightly, making this a much longer process than one might have expected. Every new layer brought a faint and unique odor into the air. Ages of particles found themselves freed after an untold amount of time. The musty scent brought a roil to her stomach. The bundle grew smaller and smaller, with the pile of fabric gathering at her feet becoming larger in comparison, until finally she reached what was hidden inside.

    Miki had no idea what it was at first. The object was small, maybe the size of a tumb. It looked like a piece of dried fruit. She held it in her hand and stared at it, puzzled. Clarity came when she turned it around in her palm, and instantly the shape took on an entirely different significance. Eyes and a mouth on one end. This was a very old, very small, fetus. One which had been left in here for a long time…

To Be Continued


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