Friday, October 26, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Warm Stone

As promised on my official Facebook Author Page (which can be found here:, today I am announcing the first details on my NaNoWriMo project!

But first, a little background, for those of you who are not familiar with NaNoWriMo.

National Novel Writing Month began in the Bay Area way back in 1999. Initially it was a very small movement, but has gained more and more momentum every year. Last year there were over 250,000 people that participated. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel over the course of the month of November. Quality is not the aim, just to create a finished product. It’s meant to be a communal effort wherein writers support one another to achieve their goals.

I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo twice. The first time, in 2009, I finished the novel. Then I tried again in 2011, and didn’t quite make it. This year I’m prepared to try again!

This year the novel I am writing a novel titled “Warm Stone”.

Warm Stone follows Jeremy, a young man who lives on a horse ranch in the harsh desert, and who is expected to take over someday. Jeremy has always felt out of place, despite a natural talent for working with the animals, and is unsure if he wants to follow in the family business.

One day, Jeremy begins to write a story. He gets increasingly lost in the story, the line between fiction and reality blurring - and it leads to a tipping point in his life, a fork in the road from which there will be no return.

This will be a very different kind of novel for me. Most of the people who read my work know that I’ve usually veered pretty thoroughly into the fantasy/sci-fi/horror genres (and some fanfiction). Well this one shall be primarily a drama, with some twists and turns to it. I hope you all like it! My plan is to post each chapter as it is finished, and for you all to hold me accountable to my NaNoWriMo goals.

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