Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"My Top 5 Videogames of 2012" or "Why I didn't manage to write more!"

#5. Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (3DS)

The very moment I heard the concept for this game, I knew that I had to have it. A rhythm game using the music of Final Fantasy was just too good to be true! And it sure was. While the gameplay is simple, and the various modes lack a general sense of variety, I can honestly say that it felt like this game truly lived up to the hype. The graphics are charming in their cutesy sort of way, the music is amazing (a necessary element for any rhythm game, and one area where Theatrhythm blows away nearly all competition), and the game itself plays with perfect precision. Any Final Fantasy fan really should get a copy of this.

#4. Persona 4: Arena (Playstation 3, X-Box 360)

How often does the Story Mode of a fighting game surprise you? Yeah, that’s what I thought. With a plotline penned by the original creators of the Persona franchise (a series of utterly amazing roleplaying games, if you haven’t heard of them), the actual script in this game is far more engaging than it has any right to be. There are definitely some slow stretches. A lot of the stories suffer from spans as long as an hour between fights. But the effect, once you’ve experienced the entire storyline, is more than worth it. Add in excellent graphics, tight gameplay, and a perfect soundtrack, and this game is a fighting fans dream as well as a crossover marvel.

#3. XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PC, Playstation 3, X-Box 360)

My memories of the original XCOM game are a little fuzzy, I was quite young when it first came out. I remember dying a lot, I remember the fear of the unknown, and I remember shooting UFO’s out of the sky. All of these elements made a welcome return in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the reboot of the famous strategy series. Whether you’re engaged in tense gunfights with superior alien soldiers, struggling to manage the resources of your base, or deciding which nation to help (at the expense of another country), XCOM is filled with nerve wracking choices that force you to stretch your brain. A must play for strategy fans or gamers looking for something a little different.

#2. The Last Story (Wii)

How many JRPGs have you played where two of the leads found themselves in love? How many times did that romance actually feel natural? And I’m not saying in a “they’re surviving together under intense circumstances” kind of context. I mean how often do you see characters talk, laugh, spend a period as friends, and naturally grow closer? The Last Story does this sort of thing better than any other game I’ve ever played. All of the characters are interesting and multifaceted. The graphics are a little mediocre, and the gameplay takes getting used to, but the writing and story carry it to another level altogether. Easily the best JRPG that I played in 2012, and one of the best games of the year.

#1. Mass Effect 3 (PC, Playstation 3, Wii U, X-Box 360)

As many of you know by now, I thoroughly adore the Mass Effect franchise. I’ve been following it since the beginning, and so I knew I would feel bittersweet about the end. Now, the controversy about the ending aside, Mass Effect 3 was a downright masterful game. From the thrilling opening to the final battle, there are dozens of memorable moments and tearful farewells. The end of Commander Shepard’s journey took nearly a decade, but it was worth the wait. With the Extended Cut they even managed to turn the awkward final moments into an emotional and proper coda for the series. What else is there to say? I just hope more people discover this fantastic trilogy as the years go by, because it really is one of the most cinematic and best-written franchises you can find on a gaming shelf.


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